Due Diligence
Perennial conducts Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) and due diligence evaluations to help sellers and buyers ensure that their new property acquisitions or divestitures are audited for liabilities associated with current and historical land use and activities. Perennial provides a thorough appraisal of historic and current possible environmental conditions, offering our client protection from unknown hazardous waste or chemical sources on their property.
We take great pride in producing a comprehensive quality report providing appropriate documentation, photographs, illustrations, and appendices for our clients. Our Phase I ESAs are performed in accordance with ASTM Standards, which are an international, voluntary set of standardized requirements for materials, products, systems, and services. Perennial performs background reviews utilizing a wide array of resources, site reconnaissance, interviews conducted by our experienced environmental professionals, and expert report compilation. The site reconnaissance may include inventory of hazardous substances stored or previously used on-site, mold, mildew, and asbestos surveys, and air quality evaluations.
We often conduct Phase I ESAs in conjunction with wetland and threatened and endangered species surveys, as part of a larger due diligence project. This provides an even more thorough assessment of property conditions and resources, and the combined survey efforts offer significant cost and time savings to the client.